When you hear about the cities of Doha, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, would fashion be one of the first things to come to mind? For some people, maybe not, but that is quickly changing. Fashion is becoming increasingly popular and localised there, which is bringing new beauty and design to the Middle East and across the globe. I have not been to the Middle East yet (layovers in Dubai or Doha don’t count), but it’s on my list!
[Disclaimer: This post was done in collaboration with M. Davis]
Here are a few reasons why we should visit and where to go:
Get a sense of the future
When you visit places like Dubai and marvel at the incredible modern architecture, such as the rotating tower of Dubai, you get to see how far advanced they really are. This really gives you a sense of where the culture is heading; and when it comes to fashion, the innovative style and appreciation for design will only continue to be reflected here. You can explore the cities of Middle East and appreciate the physical beauty and sense of design of cities here, and when the fashion world that exists here is also considered, it is a place that really just understands design and aesthetics.
These countries are amongst the wealthiest in the world
By looking around, you notice how the women are dressing in head to toe designer or couture. There is a lot of wealth in the Middle East and as more women are also entering the professional workforce, the fashion world is evolving to accommodate more professional and high-end pieces as well as general fashion.
The fashion industry is finally starting to recognise the importance of the middle eastern buyers and culture in their designs
As more modest pieces are becoming more popular in the fashion world, Middle Eastern designers and buyers are really highlighting their roots and adapting to the culture and buyers. Having pieces that reflect one’s culture is a becoming more popular, and this opens doors for fashion that is both elevated, high design and reflective of Middle Eastern culture.
The pandemic has pushed these buyers to have designers come to them, and it’s working
The pandemic has shifted many things, and fashion is certainly a part of this. Shoppers in the Middle East certainly fuel the fashion industry, and considering fashion events such as Fashion Forward Dubai was delayed for two years due to the pandemic, designers and brands have had to get creative in how to reach the market here and fuel interest. Not only this, but locally made fashion has become more popular as the market had a need for ready-to-wear pieces. More designers are understanding and have felt the love for fashion here and are taking the steps to be able to provide beautiful pieces here. The Middle East is expected to become a new fashion hot spot, and is expected to soon to surpass China in this sense. Buyers from this region are becoming increasingly aware and interested, making this a must-visit area for fashionistas.
You can be a part of the increasingly popular fashion here and who knows what you may discover and love while you’re here!