Mini Trends That You Should be Owning This Season

rends come and go, but every once in a while, we find ourselves drawn to styles that seem as though they were tailored just for us. As we go into the new season, mini trends seem to be popping up everywhere.

12 Ways to Banish Breakouts

We all want to have clear, spot-free skin, but it is often far easier said than done. If your skin is prone to breakouts it can sometimes feel like nothing works. But you know what? There are plenty of things that you can do to lessen a bit the intensity and lower the frequency of acne breakouts. Check out some tips below!

Jewelry Pieces That Will Make You Stand Out

Jewelry lovers understand how much a single piece can perfectly complete your outfit. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and pendants can help you create any fashionable look you want.

Week-end morning pampering with AXIS-Y Staycation Set

It’s been almost 19 months since the whole wold went into the first lockdown, and since then the world has never been the same. Our lives where radically changed and part of that is our self care and traveling habits. With many countries having kept their borders closed, travelling for fun hasn’t been easy.

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