Tips for Keeping Your Makeup On Point 24/7

We’ve all experienced it at least once: You apply your makeup, admire yourself in the mirror, and complete the finishing touches. But just a few minutes later, the makeup starts to slide off, and all your hard work goes to waste. Of course, the damage will vary depending on the type of skin you have. Regardless, you can follow these tips to keep your makeup on point for the entire day.

[Disclaimer: This post was done in collaboration with M. Davis]

The Preparation

You may not realize it, but the key to keeping your makeup on point is to start from the very beginning, the prep stage! To prepare your skin for makeup, you should ALWAYS apply natural moisturizers, like Blue Lagoon face moisturizers because it gives your skin a nourished, moist canvas to work with. After applying moisturizer, you should wait five minutes before you apply foundation or concealer to your face. By prepping your skin for makeup, you will ensure that everything is applied evenly, and the makeup will also stay put throughout the day. It is also worth noting that makeup always looks better on skin that has been properly primed.

Use a Setting Powder and Spray

If you have oily or combination skin, your makeup is likely to slide off as the day goes on. For this reason, you should consider applying a setting powder to your skin. This will absorb the extra oil on your face and will generally hold your foundation in place. Setting sprays are different from setting powders in that they are applied through atomizers. Their purpose is to give a softer effect and hold your entire makeup in place.

Consider Using an Oil-Free Foundation

Oil-free foundations will leave your skin with a clean and matte look, and they will prevent your makeup from sliding off. These foundations will help absorb excess oil and will reduce the shiny appearance on your face. If you have sensitive skin, you will especially benefit from these products since they will not irritate your skin and will keep your skin pores open.

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